4th Annual International Symposium on Information Management and Big Data

Program SIMBig 2017

Each paper takes 20 minutes of presentation and 10 minutes of questions
Each poster takes 10 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of questions
8h00 - 9h00

Registration and Reception

9h00 - 9h30

Inaguration of SIMBig 2017

9h30 - 10h30

Keynote Speaker 1:

Regina Barzilay
"Learning to Cure"

Session 1:-

Natural Language Processing

11h00 - 11h30

Automated Question Answering System

Chanin Pithyaachariyakul, Maria Khvalchik and Anagha Kulkarni

11h30 - 11h45

Coffee break

11h45 - 12h15

A Low-Resourced Peruvian Language Identification Model

Alexandra Espichán and Arturo Oncevay

12h15 - 12h45

Predicting Invariant Nodes in Large Scale Semantic Graphs

Damian Barsotti, Martín Ariel Domínguez and Pablo Duboue



14h30 - 15h30

Keynote Speaker 2:

Jiawei Han
"Mining Structures from Massive Text Data: A Data-Driven Approach"

Session 2:-

Data Mining and applications

15h30 - 16h00

Predicting child labor in Peru: A comparison of logistic regression and neural networks techniques

Christian Fernando Libaque-Saenz, Juan Lazo, Karla Gabriela Lopez-Yucra and Edgardo R. Bravo

16h30 - 17h00

Data-driven anonymization process applied to time series

Vincent Thouvenot, Damien Nogues and Catherine Gouttas

17h00 - 17h15

Coffee break

17h15 - 17h45

Through a Privacy-aware Data Collector for Economic and Urban Analytics

Miguel Nunez-Del-Prado, Ana Luna and Bruno Esposito

17h45 - 18h15

Multilevel Community Detection in Bipartite Networks Based on One-Mode Projection

Alan Valejo, Viniclus Ferreira, Geraldo P. R. Filho, Maria Cristina Ferreira de Oliveira, and Alneu de Andrade Lopes

18h10 - 20h30

Welcome Cocktail