Regina Barzilay
"Learning to Cure"
Ozge Alacam, Tobias Staron and Wolfgang Menzel
Chanin Pithyaachariyakul, Maria Khvalchik and Anagha Kulkarni
Alexandra Espichán and Arturo Oncevay
Damian Barsotti, Martín Ariel Domínguez and Pablo Duboue
Jiawei Han
"Mining Structures from Massive Text Data: A Data-Driven Approach"
Christian Fernando Libaque-Saenz, Juan Lazo, Karla Gabriela Lopez-Yucra and Edgardo R. Bravo
Vincent Thouvenot, Damien Nogues and Catherine Gouttas
Miguel Nunez-Del-Prado, Ana Luna and Bruno Esposito
Alan Valejo, Viniclus Ferreira, Geraldo P. R. Filho, Maria Cristina Ferreira de Oliveira, and Alneu de Andrade Lopes
Mark Musen
"Making online datasets more searchable and accessible: The CEDAR project"
Jean-Rémi Bourguet
E. Patrick Shironoshita, Da Zhang, Mansur Kabuka and Jia Xu
Nemanja Stojanovic, Ray M. Bradley, Sean Wilkinson, Mansur Kabuka and E. Patrick Shironoshita
Rashedur Rahman, Brigitte Grau and Sophie Rosset
Herwin Alayn Huillcen Baca and Flor De Luz Palomino Valdivia
Ravi Kumar
"Sequences, Choices, and their Dynamics"
Mon-Shih Chuang and Anagha Kulkarni
Ricardo Puma and Andrade Lopes
Thiago Luis Viana de Santana and Rafael Santos
Luis Angel Caiachahua Espinoza and Indira Burga
Clement Jonquet
"Challenges for ontology repositories and applications to biomedicine & agronomy"
Juanjosé Hafid Tenorio Peña, Enrique Valeriano Loli and Rodrigo Angelo López Condori
Prajwal Shrestha, Byung Suk Lee and James Bagrow
Antonio Cachuan and Willy Peña
Yuliana Flores-Zelaya, Carol Francia-Rocha, David Mauricio Sánchez and Armando Fermin-Perez
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