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Dise Special Track

Track On Data-Driven Software Engineering (Dise)

Call for Papers

Software engineering is the application of engineering techniques and methods to software development. It is gaining more and more importance in research; high-reputed international conference series such as ICSE, FSE, ASE and ESEM offer dedicated venues for discussing research advancements in software engineering. Thanks to the era of data, software engineering has gained ground in many fields introducing new technologies to support most of human actions, from housework to the military.

The DISE track aims to provide an open forum for researchers, practitioners and educators in Peru and Latin America

Scope and Topics

We are looking for contributions that investigate models, design principles, methods and techniques for software engineering using a data-driven approach. The track DISE has a broad scope, and specific topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

Long Papers are limited to 13-16 pages, including all content and references, and must be in PDF formatted with the Springer publication format.

Short Papers are limited to 7-12 pages, including all content and references, and must be in PDF formatted with the Springer publication format.

Paper Submission Guidelines

All research submissions must be in English. Submissions must be in PDF, formatted with the Springer Publications format. For details on the Springer style, see here.

Easychair Submissions Website

Submissions for DISE here.


Jorge Eduardo Díaz Suárez
Jorge Eduardo Díaz Suárez

Ph.D. in Computer Science

Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas

Lima, Perú

Edgar Eduardo Ceh Varela
Edgar Eduardo Ceh Varela

Ph.D. in Computer Science

Eastern New Mexico University

Portales, New Mexico, USA

Freddy Alberto Paz Espinoza
Freddy Alberto Paz Espinoza

Doctor en Ingeniería

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP)

Lima, Perú