SIMBig 2015

2do Simposio Anual Internacional en Gestión de la Información y Big Data

Perú - Cusco

Comité de Lectura Español English

  • Nathalie Abadie, French National Mapping Agency, COGIT, FRANCE

  • Elie Abi-Lahoud, University College Cork, Cork, IRELAND

  • Salah Ait-Mokhtar, Xerox Research Centre Europa, FRANCE

  • Sophia Ananiadou, NaCTeM - University of Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM

  • Marcelo Arenas, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, CHILE

  • Jérôme Azé, LIRMM - University of Montpellier, FRANCE

  • Pablo Barceló, Universidad de Chile, CHILE

  • Cesar A. Beltrán Castañón, GRPIAA - Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, PERU

  • Albert Bifet, Huawei Noah's Ark Research Lab, Hong Kong, CHINA

  • Sandra Bringay, LIRMM - Paul Valéry University, FRANCE

  • Oscar Corcho, Ontology Engineering Group - Polytechnic University of Madrid, SPAIN

  • Gabriela Csurka, Xerox Research Centre Europa, FRANCE

  • Frédéric Flouvat, PPME Lab - University of New Caledonia, NEW CALEDONIA

  • André Freitas, Dept. of Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Passau, Germany

  • Adrien Guille, ERIC Lab - University of Lyon 2, FRANCE

  • Hakim Hacid, Zayed University, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

  • Sébastien Harispe, LGI2P/EMA Research Centre, Site EERIE, Parc Scientifique, FRANCE

  • Dino Ienco, Irstea, FRANCE

  • Diana Inkpen, University of Ottawa, CANADA

  • Clement Jonquet, LIRMM - University of Montpellier, FRANCE

  • Alípio Jorge, Universidade do Porto, PORTUGAL

  • Yannis Korkontzelos, NaCTeM - University of Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM

  • Eric Kergosien, GERiCO Lab - University of Lille 3, FRANCE

  • Peter Mika, Yahoo! Research Labs - Barcelone, SPAIN

  • Phan Nhat Hai, Oregon State University, UNITED STATES of AMERICA

  • Jordi Nin, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) - BarcelonaTECH, SPAIN

  • Miguel Nuñez del Prado Cortez, Intersec Lab - Paris, FRANCE

  • Thomas Opitz, Biostatistics and Spatial Processes - INRA, FRANCE

  • Yoann Pitarch, IRIT - Toulouse, FRANCE

  • Pascal Poncelet, LIRMM - University of Montpellier, FRANCE

  • Julien Rabatel, LIRMM, FRANCE

  • José Luis Redondo García, EURECOM, FRANCIA

  • Mathieu Roche, Cirad - TETIS - LIRMM, FRANCE

  • Nancy Rodriguez, LIRMM - University of Montpellier, FRANCE

  • Arnaud Sallaberry, LIRMM - Paul Valéry University, FRANCE

  • Nazha Selmaoui-Folcher, PPME Labs - University of New Caledonia, NEW CALEDONIA

  • Maguelonne Teisseire, Irstea - LIRMM, FRANCE

  • Paulo Teles, LIAAD-INESC Porto LA, Porto University, PORTUGAL

  • Julien Velcin, ERIC Lab - University of Lyon 2, FRANCE

  • Maria-Esther Vidal, Universidad Simón Bolívar, VENEZUELA

  • Boris Villazon-Terrazas, Expert System Iberia - Madrid, SPAIN

  • Osmar Zaïane, Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, CANADA