Professor Diana Inkpen, University of Ottawa, Canada
Diana Inkpen is a Professor at the University of Ottawa, in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Her research is in applications of Computational Linguistics and Text Mining. She organized seven international workshops and she was a program co-chair for the AI 2012 conference. She is in the program committees of many conferences and an associate editor of the Computational Intelligence and the Natural Language Engineering journals. She published a book on Natural Language Processing for Social Media (Morgan and Claypool Publishers, Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies), 8 book chapters, more than 25 journal articles and more than 90 conference papers. She received many research grants, including intensive industrial collaborations.
Professor Albert Bifet, Huawei Noah's Ark Lab, China
He is a Big Data scientist with 10+ years of international experience
in research and in leading new open source software projects for
business analytics, data mining and machine learning (Huawei, Yahoo,
University of Waikato, UPC). He obtained a Ph.D. from
UPC-BarcelonaTech. He has worked in Hong Kong, New Zealand and Europe.
At Yahoo Labs, he co-founded Apache SAMOA (Scalable Advanced Massive
Online Analysis) in 2013. Apache SAMOA is distributed streaming
machine learning (ML) framework that contains a programing abstraction
for distributed streaming ML algorithms. At the WEKA Machine Learning
group, he is co-leading MOA (Massive Online Analysis) since 2008. MOA
is the most popular open source framework for data stream mining, with
more than 20,000 downloads each year. He is the author of a book on
Adaptive Stream Mining and Pattern Learning and Mining from Evolving
Data Streams. Additionally, he was editor of the Big Data Mining
special issue of SIGKDD Explorations in 2012. Also, he is serving as
Co-Chair of the Industrial track of ECML PKDD 2015, and served as
Co-Chair of BigMine (2014, 2013, 2012), and ACM SAC Data Streams Track
(2015, 2014, 2013, 2012).
Professor Pascal Poncelet, University of Montpellier - LIRMM, Francia
Pascal Poncelet is Professor and head of the data mining research group (Tatoo) in the LIRMM Laboratory.
Professor Poncelet has previously worked as lecturer (1993-1994), as associate professor respectively in
the Mediterannée University (1994-1999) and Montpellier University (1999-2001), as Professor at the Ecole des
Mines d'Alès in France where he was also head of the KDD (Knowledge Discovery for Decision Making) team and
co-head of the Computer Science Department (2001-2008). His research interest can be summarized as advanced
data analysis techniques for emerging applications. He is currently interested in various techniques of data
mining with application in Web Mining and Text Mining. He has published a large number of research papers in
refereed journals, conference, and workshops, and been reviewer for some leading academic journals. He was also
co-head of the French CNRS Group "I3" on Data Mining.
Professor Osmar Zaïane, University of Alberta, Canada
Osmar R. Zaiane is a Professor in Computing Science at the University of Alberta, Canada, and Scientific Director of the Alberta Innovates Centre for Machinre Learning (AICML). Dr. Zaiane joined the University of Alberta in July of 1999. He obtained a Master's degree (DEA) in Electronics at the University of Paris, France, in 1989 and a Master's degree in Computer Science at Laval University, Canada, in 1992. He obtained his Ph.D. from Simon Fraser University, Canada, in 1999 under the supervision of Dr. Jiawei Han. His Ph.D. thesis work focused on web mining and multimedia data mining. He has research interests in novel data mining algorithms, web mining, text mining, image mining, social network analysis, and health informatics. He has published more than 150 papers in refereed international conferences and journals, and taught on all six continents. Osmar Zaiane was the Secretary-Treasurer of the ACM SIGKDD (Special Interest Group on Data Mining) and treasurer of ACM SIGHIT (Special Interest group on Health Informatics). He was the Associate Editor and Editor in Chief of the ACM SIGKDD Explorations from 2003 to 2010. He is also Associate Editor of the Knowledge and Information Systems, an International Journal, by Springer, and of the journal Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery by Springer, as well as the International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions. He was the General Chair of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining ICDM 2011. Osmar Zaiane received the ICDM Outstanding Service Award in 2009 and the 2010 ACM SIGKDD Service Award.
Professor Mathieu Roche, Cirad - TETIS - LIRMM, France
Mathieu Roche is a CIRAD Research Scientist (PhD, HDR) at TETIS lab. Between 2005 and 2013, he has been Associate
Professor (Maître de Conférences) at University Montpellier 2, France. Mathieu Roche obtained a PhD in Computer
Science from University Paris XI (Orsay) in 2004. He defended his HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches - Accreditation
to supervise research) in December 2011. At LIRMM, he was co-leader (2010-2012) and leader (2012-2013) of TEXT group.
At the University Montpellier 2, he was in charge of the Master "Intégration de Compétences" (2008-2011).
This Master welcomes more than 100 students in Computer Science. Mathieu Roche led several academic projects in
text-mining such as two PEPS-CNRS projects together with linguists (2010 and 2013), MSH-M project (2012-2013),
and MASTODONS-CNRS project (2013-2014). Moreover he managed numerous industrial projects.