Track on Biomedical Data Science (BIOMEDS)
Call for Papers
The rapid growing of data science provides interesting opportunities and challenges in the context of biomedical and health practice and research. Currently, data science is used in the the electronic medical records (EHR), biomedical imaging, and genomics/proteomics/metabolomics. The goal of biomedical data science is to answer biomedical and health research needs and to make decision to improve health. Some skills required in this area include programming, data management, data analysis, machine learning and domain expertise.
Scope and Topics
We are looking for contributions in the biomedical data science research and applications. The topics include but are not limited to:
- Machine learning applied to the biomedical domain
- Exploratory data analysis and visualization in the biomedical domain
- Data science algorithms applied in clinical decision making
- Data science in bioinformatics
- Machine learning in bioinformatics
- Computational genomics
Long Papers
Long Papers are limited to a total of 14 (fourteen) pages, including all content and references, and must be in PDF formatted with the Springer publication format.
Short Papers
Short Papers are limited to a total of 7 (seven) pages, including all content and references, and must be in PDF formatted with the Springer publication format.
Demonstration Papers are limited to a total of 7 (seven) pages, including all content and references, and must be in PDF formatted with the Springer publication format.
Paper Submission Guidelines
All research submissions must be in English. Submissions must be in PDF, formatted with the Springer Publications format. For details on the Springer style, see here.
Easychair Submissions Website
Submit your paper to "SIMBig 2019 - BIOMEDS" at:

Mabel K. Raza-Garcia
PhD Biomedical and Health Informatics
Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola
Program Committee
- Linda Shapiro, Professor at CSE UW, University of Washington
- Selim Askoy, Professor, Bilkent University
- Ravensara Travilian, Research Scientist, University of Washington
- Meliha Yetisgen, Professor at BHI, University of Washington
- Mirko Zimic, Professor in School of Sciences, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
- Claudia Machicado, Professor in School of Sciences, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
- Bilge Soran, Senior Data Scientist, Coupang
- Jia Wu, Software Engineer, Google
- Ezgi Mercan, Image Analysis Researcher, Seattle Children´s Hospital
- Davide Chicco, Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, Canada